Monday, August 15, 2005

Mighty Bites

August 15, 2005

Cereal Designer
Kashi Company
P.O. Box 8557
La Jolla, CA 92038

Dear Sir(s) and/or Madam(s).

I, like you, yearn for a delicious cereal that is also healthful for growing bodies! I have sampled every cereal variety I could find, one flake, O, square, clump, and couldn’t classify/undefined form at a time. Often, I have purchased the boxes of cereal in question for more in-depth research at home. (Or on the way home! Have you ever tried Golden Grahams?)

Then I found MIGHTY bites. I have to admit that I was first drawn in by the big New! in the corner. New! is exactly what I needed! I was tiring of the 8–12 bowls of old cereal that power me through my day. Even Golden Grahams get boring after a while. Well, not Golden Grahams literally, but I think you get my point.

Your empowering message of delicious plus healthy was an exhilarating “equation!” You even have a celebrity endorsement in the form of one Dr. Sears Says. (Although Dr. Says is described as a “Father of Eight.” Eight what? That stumped me for a day and a half, before I figured it out. (It’s children, right?))

Which leads to my complaint. For such a principled cereal with so much love of children in its favor, how can you justify the shape of MIGHTY bites: A human form?! A cereal shaped like people?! You see where I’m going with this. I’m not accusing anyone of anything, but this shape is highly not appropriate!

I’m not naïve. I know that man-shaped cereal won’t necessarily promote cannibalism among impressionable children. But it certainly will give the less stable among them some very dangerous ideas.

Please consider a different shape. Maybe, going with the MIGHTY bites name, a boulder shape would work. Or a hydroelectric dam or a rhino(ceros). There are many mighty shapes in this world that wouldn’t imperil us as a nation.

I look forward to hearing from your people. I am available for more brainstorming, if that’s how you want to handle this.

Thank you for “making time for Terry,”

William “Terry” Fietz